
2013 ford focus se
2013 ford focus se

2013 ford focus se 2013 ford focus se

Mash the dash (something only a car reviewer or crash-launched occupant would do) and soft foam pushes back. The rest of the interior reminds me of a Sonata in style and quality of execution: consistent, avant-garde, and with no egregiously cheap pieces. The headliner bopped me getting in and my knees bumped into the side of the front seat, but I had an inch to spare when they were centered in the seatback. Setting the driver’s side to preference imposes on rear seat room, so I was surprised to discover that I could actually fit behind myself. I’m six feet and change with 50 Cent’s driving posture. Passengers too slow to claim the front won’t be left with a penalty box. I was more enamored with the steering wheel shift, a criminally underequipped feature that keeps the long-legged and short-armed among us from fiddling with the seatback every two miles. Cushioning is up to Volvo’s standard, though for lack of vertical lift, some folks might find the seats too low. A two-hour stint behind the wheel left my persnickety back much as it started. I’m very much in the mold of ‘give me good seats or get off my lawn.’ Ford scores points here: not too wide, exceptional lumbar support, and attractive leather. Powertrains and handling tend to blow my skirt up, but let’s start with the interior. Since my daily is a late-model Nissan Maxima, the gilded Altima that I once reviewed for this site, that’s my (unfair) benchmark for this review. I recently put about a hundred miles on a 2013 Ford Focus SE sedan. Nothing makes you appreciate your own car quite like giving it up for a day. If you’d like to be where he is - and I don’t mean flexing your maxed-out biceps in the company of a bunch of attractive people, as he’s always doing on Facebook, but rather on these hallowed pages - let me know! - JB

2013 ford focus se

Alexander is back with another reader review.

2013 ford focus se